You will need to generate a local SSH key and upload the key to the server (or services) so it can verify you and create a secure connection. Some remote servers or services only allow SSH access with the use of an SSH key.

If you have SSH running on a different port than the default port 22, then you can change the port number with the -P flag: ssh -P When you connect to a device for the first time you will need to accept the host’s key. When you press enter your will need to enter the password of the SSH user. If you don’t supply a username then your local user account will be used. You can also use the hostname instead of the IP Address. With PowerShell open you can connect to a remote server or network device with a single command: ssh For example: You can simply check it by opening PowerShell and type the following command: # type ssh and press enter Assuming that you keep your Windows up-to-date you should have SSH enabled by default. The most common way to use SSH in PowerShell is as an SSH Client. We can also use SSH in PowerShell to manage another Windows machine remotely, but you will need to use PowerShell 6 or higher to run the SSH server. This means that you now easily can connect to any remote device from your favorite command-line tool. The PowerShell SSH client is enabled by default in Windand higher. But did you know that PowerShell has a built-in SSH Client? To use SSH most people use an SSH client tool, like Putty. The SSH protocol allows you to connect securely to a remote device over an unsecured network (internet). I am currently unsure if there is a limit to the number of profiles you can have if you find out let me know in the comments below.Do you need to manage a remote server or network device? Then you are probably using SSH to connect and manage them. You can, of course, continue adding profiles in this manner to handle other connections you may require. You should see your new entry similar to the screenshot below. ssh Save the file then return to Windows Terminal. Finally, edit the commandline to something appropriate for your local or remote host, ex. Choose a name for your profile, this is what will show up in the Windows Terminal drop-down menu. You will need to provide a random GUID for each profile, you can either make changes to an existing one or use a generator online just as long as they are all unique. }, //Make sure to add a comma here after the previous profile in the list.